Plasma Nunchucks

Helping you create cross-platform online social experiences.


Crossplay enablement is now crucial to driving player engagement.

The more engaged your players are, the more time they will spend playing your game.


Better Matchmaking

Players aren’t silo’d to platforms so there are bigger pools to matchmake from. Shorter wait times and enhanced matchmaking based on experience, languages, and location.

Your Games Last For Longer

By aggregating players into one cross-platform pool, you can keep matchmaking times below acceptable thresholds for longer, enabling you to sunset your game much later, delighting your loyal players.

Cross Platform Progression & Purchases

By enabling cross-platform progression and purchases alongside crossplay, you make it far more appealing to play your game more often on multiple devices, increasing engagement.


It’s never too late (or early) to crossplay.

Whether you’re retrofitting services or migrating online services to ones that support crossplay, doing so will expand and enhance the multiplayer gameplay experience.

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