Plasma Nunchucks

Helping you create cross-platform online social experiences.


Crossplay is the new industry standard

We’ve come a long way since cartridges and split-screen. Games are live, multiplayer is global and competing platforms are now connected.

Yet there is one driving force behind this evolution that remains unchanged. Players use games to connect and socialise with each other.

The same group of friends who used to crowd around a TV to play are now playing across different platforms, in different locations. Not only do they still expect to play together, but they expect the game experience to be frequently updated with new features and enhancements.

This is the industry standard for multiplayer video games, creating live-service games for a global network of players that can play together, irrespective of platform.


Get a solution tailored to you

We know every game is unique. That’s why our experts design and integrate solutions tailored to your needs, using your existing tech, our services, third parties, or fully custom builds.

Our Services

It’s never too late (or early) to crossplay.

Whether you’re retrofitting services or migrating online services to ones that support crossplay, doing so will expand and enhance the multiplayer gameplay experience.

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